Sunday, August 3, 2008

Horse OK after fall through barn floor

Still sedated, Bailey the horse rests after her rescue yesterday. (JASON SCHREIBER)

Union Leader Correspondent

HAMPTON FALLS – In his 42 years with the fire department, Deputy Fire Chief Russ Davies had never experienced anything like yesterday's rescue of a 1,000-pound horse that had fallen through a barn floor.
It was also a first for Fire Chief Jay Lord, a 20-year veteran of the department.

"We hope we never have to do that again," said Lord, who appeared exasperated after having helped more than a dozen firefighters and neighbors pull the horse, named Bailey, to safety in a harrowing hour-long rescue.

Firefighters considered bringing in a wrecker to haul her out, but they managed to do it on their own.

The trouble began about 2 p.m. at Cock Hill Farm, 149 Drinkwater Road, when Bailey walked into the barn and into a sheep stall that was supposed to be off limits. Farm owner Ed Beattie said he knew the wood floor of the stall couldn't handle the weight of the horse, but he had forgotten to shut the stall door.

Beattie was in the barn and saw Bailey head into the sheep stall....

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